9th Annual Current Concepts in SCI Rehabilitation


Nearly 18,000 individuals in the U.S. sustain a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) each year. Additionally, while non-traumatic SCI can be difficult to track, it is estimated to be roughly the same amount as traumatic injuries per year. The care of persons with SCI requires an interdisciplinary approach across the continuum of care. Providers should be aware of current evidence and care techniques for both traumatic and non-traumatic SCI across the continuum from initial injury, medical complications, many phases of rehab, and community reintegration. The 8th Annual Current Concepts in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation will introduce and review a variety of topics relevant to persons with SCI. Topics will focus on areas important to all team members, throughout the continuum of care. Current Concepts in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation will address, through lectures and discussion, the treatments and strategies employed at the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute. Conference goals are in line with the missions of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and the UPMC Rehabilitation Institute to advance health, expand knowledge, and improve care through research, teaching rehabilitation services, and medical care.

Learning Objectives

1. Be able to identify, assess and implement intervention for various causes and types of shoulder pain.
2. Utilize strategies to enhance mental health and coping/adjustment skills for patients and caregivers post SCI.
3. Recognize and employ updated technology to increase community discharge and independence at home.
4. Demonstrate accurate wheelchair assessment and fitting for all types of chairs.
5. Practice gait training techniques unique to SCI patients.
6. Experiment with setup and design strategies to maximize the ability to functionally use a wheelchair in the home.

Brochure for the eventThis event will only be presented live at UPMC Mercy Clark Pavilion.

Event Schedule

7:30-7:45am - Sign-In 
7:45-8am - Introductions/Agenda 
8-9am - "Interdisciplinary Evaluation and Management of Shoulder pain after spinal cord injury" - Amanda Harrington, Rachel Hibbs, Elizabeth Stanley
9:10am - "The New Era of Technology" - Mitch Bell, Randall Huzinec, Stephanie Vasquez-Gabela
10-10:45am - "Psychology Pointers for the Non-Psychologist" - Melody Mickens, Monica Martinez
10:45-11am - Break
11-12pm - "Enhancing the Rehabilitation Experience Through Art" - Jeff Bisdee, Jared Quinteros
12-1pm - Lunch 
1-1:45pm - Roundtables, Moderator: Lynn Worobey 
  • Spinal Cord Stimulators
  • Adaptive Sports and Rec
  • Adaptive Clothing
  • Available Research Studies in Pittsburgh
  • Adolescents to Adults
  • Wound Care Products and Strategies
1:45-2pm - Break
2-4pm - Hands on Learning Rotating Stations 
  • Wheelchair Selection and Modification - Joe Everhart, Rebecca Russell
  • ADL Apartment - Kitchen Accessibility - Juli Harrison, Lynne Huber, Liz Dunn, Lee Tempest
  • Gait Training Tips after SCI - Chris Venus 
  • Adaptive Fitness and Exercise Programming - Rachel Hibbs, Dan McCoy  
4:10pm - Adjourn